Let’s Make Art Together.

Join over 200 artists from 20 different countries in this collaborative artist book project housed in an old card catalog drawer. Submissions are still open. All skill levels and artistic mediums welcome. Anyone in the world can participate.

See photos of the work-in-progress here: www.poetrayprints.com/community

Project Overview

Using a 3 x 5 inch (7.62 x 12.7 cm) catalog card and whatever medium you would like, I am seeking submissions for a collaborative artist book housed in a wooden catalog card drawer.

Cards will be mailed to you with a return envelope. You are responsible for return postage. An instruction sheet and permission form will be emailed to you within 48 hours of submitting the below form. I will ask you to respond to the prompt in two ways: by creating a small art piece on the card and by responding to a question separately. You will be asked to submit at least one card for the drawer. Of course, you can also submit a series of cards for the book. There are very few rules!

I will be requesting permission to share your work online, submit it in upcoming exhibitions, and digitize it for inclusion in a website or print book. I will never alter your work, I will always attribute you by name, and any profit will be donated back to the community. This project is an open dialogue between us through art and conversation. We are building a community together.

Prompt: Community

To start the conversation, let’s talk about community. Community can be defined in many ways — by one’s location, profession, interests, circumstance, or activism. We all exist in communities, but we may not always feel as though we belong. We choose some communities and are placed in others. We seek out community and, sometimes, community finds us. I want to know how you really feel about community, either a community you currently exist in or one you are dreaming of. What words or images come to mind? Is your community fulfilling, empowering, or exhausting? Why is that? What is the importance of communities today?

Deadlines & Dates to remember

The official deadline has passed, but I am still accepting submissions from interested artists.

Answers to Questions

See answers to frequently asked questions on this page: www.poetrayprints.com/makeart-faqs

Have you already received your cards and not the email? Here is the permission form and email message sent out to everyone who filled out the below form. If you haven’t filled out the form, please do so I can keep track of everyone’s participation.

Fill Out the below form to participate.

Detailed instructions and anticipated delivery of your cards will be emailed to you within 48 hours. If you have questions or would like to reach out to me directly, please email poetrayprints@gmail.com.